This is your year...

Your year of possibility...

The year everything changes.

Every year, we come together to release the old energy and create a clean slate for growth.

But it's not just about how to make more money.

It's about how to make more... intentionally.

More revenue.

More impact.

More growth.

More sustainability.

More EASE.

The truth is:

How you show up every day can either attract more opportunities your way... or push them away without you even realizing it.

You have the power inside you to create ANY result you desire. This year.

Whether it's your first $20k month, $50k month, $100k launch...  It's all possible.

My clients do it all the time. But... it doesn't happen by accident.

This is why I host this workshop almost every year. And it's one of the most popular and impactful workshops I do.

We'll help you reset, release, and amplify your clarity... plus put your momentum into hyperdrive.

So I'd love to welcome you to...

Creating Your Aligned Multi Six Figure Year: 2024 Workshop


If you're an existing coach, online service provider, or course creator who has a vision of scaling to multiple six figures in 2024 - this is for you.

Here's what we'll talk about:

Aligned Strategy: We'll talk about what how we get our clients out of making $1k-$5k per month to actually generating upwards of $50k cash months, the tools and strategies necessary to create the shift strategically, and what it may look like for your business.

Scaling Essentials: What got you here won't get you there. While you can get by easily to get to $5k/mo, once you start scaling there are new things you have to consider, whether it's systems, automation, or leveraging new ways to get more reach, exposure, and lead generation.

Six Figure Mindset: The biggest challenge to growing is mindset. We stand in our own way. We'll talk about the big shifts I needed to make on my path to making six figures AND to multiple six figures per year, and how you can prepare yourself for the reality ahead. Super important.

Offer Creation: To scale to six figures and beyond, you need to understand when to create which types of offers. Should you do high ticket, mid ticket, or low ticket? When? We'll talk about this during the workshop to help you scale faster.

Systems to Scale: If you want to keep growing WITHOUT working as hard? You need a hand with systems and automations that can grow with you. We'll talk about the systems I use in my business to help me grow while only working 5-15 hours a week.

Lead Generation in 2024: The key to sales is getting the right people in front of you. We'll talk about the different ways to generate traffic in your business, when to choose which, and how to generate the right leads for your offers anytime you desire.

And more... 

I've been making $300k+ per year in my business for the last 5 years, and each year I've been able to lower my hours worked from 80 hours to 40, then 30, and now down to 10-20 per week... and now I'm helping my clients do the same.

My clients work with me because they know I have a proven track record of creating truly sustainable revenue over many years while prioritizing my freedom. I don't hustle, grind, or overwork. 

I do however spend intentional time building the business assets that matter and will stand the test of time. And I have a lot of fun doing it.

It starts by thinking differently... and focusing on the things most people don't talk about. If you desire to collapse the time it takes for you to create aligned growth, join us.

Questions? I've got answers below:

  • When will I get access?
    Right away after buying.
  • Is this a webinar or an actual workshop?
    This is a small group workshop. I will want to see your face on Zoom so we can chat, and I can answer your questions. The beauty of charging for an experience like this is we get to be more cozy in a smaller container and your questions get to be answered.
  • Who is this for?
    This is for existing coaches, course creators, and service providers who want to grow and scale in 2024. If you desire to reach multiple six figures this year, this is for you. If you're brand spankin' new, you can still join but some of the concepts may be a bit over your head.
  • How long is the workshop?
    The workshop goes for 3 hours.
  • What if I have more questions?
    Email me or send me a DM on Instagram @heartbehindhustle and I'll be happy to help.

Ready to create your aligned multi-six figure year?

Contact information:

Billing address

Don't like the workshop after it's live? Just contact us by email at by the end of the day, January 9th, 2024, to request a refund. Refund requests after January 9th, 2024 will not be honored. You will receive a partial refund (we do not refund credit card processing fees - which are 2.9% of the transaction).
I agree

Add "Yearly Business Assessment" bundle

Get instant access for $97 $47 one time.
Every year, I go through an in-depth business assessment and review to identify hidden goldmines that I can capitalize on in the new year. In this bundle, you will see the exact process I go through, PLUS how I plan out my year to hit my revenue goals (and how!).

Bonus: you will also receive my vision board resource and a business personality guide.

One-time only offer - one payment of $47.

Enter Your Billing Info

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


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  • Total payment
  • 1xWorkshop (2024) - Aligned Multi Six Figure Year$195

All prices in USD